UAPAY - національний платіжний сервіс
Confirmation of payment 3DS
After the response to the method POST/api/payments/p2p/show was received data.status=NEEDS_CONFIRMATION and data.confirmation.type=3DS, it is necessary to redirect the user to the ACS page of the issuing bank to perform payment confirmation.
To do this, you need to perform a method query POST to URL data.confirmation.url. If there are parameters in the object data.confirmation.form - parameters must be passed in the request (all of them are optional). You must pass the TermUrl parameter, it must be formed according to the URL + query string parameters: id, redirect, key (not mandatory):
${redirectUrl} - field value data.redirect.url from the response to the payment status request
${redirectParamsId} - field value from the response to the payment status request
${key} - field value data.key з відповіді on the payment creation request
${redirect} - URL to redirect to after ACS page verification is complete (usually merchant page URL)
An example of a method response POST /api/payments/p2p/show:
To make a POST request to the issuing bank, you need to create and call an HTML form.
Example with use JavaScript:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Example call ACS</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var form = document.createElement('form');
form.setAttribute('method', 'POST');
form.setAttribute('action', data.confirmation.url);
var paReq = document.createElement('input');
paReq.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
paReq.setAttribute('name', 'PaReq');
paReq.setAttribute('value', data.confirmation.form.PaReq);
var md = document.createElement('input');
md.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
md.setAttribute('name', 'MD');
md.setAttribute('value', data.confirmation.form.MD);
var termUrl = document.createElement('input');
termUrl.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
termUrl.setAttribute('name', 'TermUrl');
termUrl.setAttribute('value', termUrl);
After the user returns to the page, it is necessary to continue sending the show request until the final payment status is received.
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UAPAY - національний платіжний сервіс