Acquiring (en)

UAPAY - національний платіжний сервіс

Acquiring (en)

Simplified payment acceptance mechanism via the UAPAY internet acquiring API
Using the UAPAY payment page

1. Payment for goods, works and services

1.1. On the side of the merchant /partner

  • The buyer/client selects goods, services, works on the website of the merchant/partner and carries out the formation of the order.
  • The buyer/client chooses UAPAY online acquiring API as payment method
  • In this case, there is a transfer of the request to create a session. The request is made by the method POST /api/sessions/create

1.2. On the side of the UAPAY after receiving a session request

The request is processed and the session ID is passed in response to the request using the POST api/sessions/create method.

1.3. On the side of the merchant /partner after receiving the session ID

A request to create an invoice using the POST api/invoicer/invoices/create method is generated and sent to UAPAY.

1.4. On the side of the UAPAY after receiving the invoice request

Processes the request and passes in response to the request by the method POST api/invoicer/invoices/create:

  • ID - invoice;
  • Payment page address;
  • The page QR code address.

     If the invoice is one-time, please note that payment for such an invoice is possible only once, for the next attempt to pay you need to make a new invoice.

2. Refund to the customer in case of need to cancel the payment (customer/client request, inability to fulfill the order, etc.)

2.1. On the side of the merchant /partner

The request to cancel the invoice payment is sent using the POST api/invoicer/payments/reverse method 

It is possible to specify a refund amount less than the payment amount.

2.2. On the side of the UAPAY after receiving the request

Processes the request and transmits in response to the request POST api/invoicer/payments/reverse of the data on the status of the cancellation of payment.

UAPAY Internet Acquisition API (server-to-server) payment acceptance mechanism

1. Payment for goods, works and services: On the side of the merchant /partner

1.1. On the side of the merchant /partner

  • The buyer/client selects goods, services, works on the website of the merchant /partner and carries out the formation of the order.
  • The buyer/client chooses UAPAY online acquiring API as payment method.
  • In this case, there is a transfer request to create a session. The request is made by the method POST /api/sessions/create

1.2. On the side of the UAPAY after receiving a session request

The request is processed and the session ID is passed in response to the request using the POST api/sessions/create method.

1.3. On the side of the merchant /partner after receiving the session ID

A request to create an invoice using the POST api/invoicer/invoices/create method is generated and sent to UAPAY.

1.4. On the side of the UAPAY after receiving the invoice request

Processes the request and passes in response to the request by the method POST api/invoicer/invoices/create:

  • ID – invoice;
  • Payment page address;
  • The page QR code.

      If the invoice is one-time, please note that payment for such an invoice is possible only once, for the next attempt to pay you need to make a new invoice.

1.5. On the side of the merchant /partner after receiving a response to the creation of the invoice

The answer is processed and using the data received from UAPAY and the client data the request for creation of payment of the invoice by POST api/invoicer/payments/create method is formed.

1.6. On the side of the UAPAY after receiving a request to create an invoice payment

The request is processed and sent in response to the request using the POST api/invoicer/payments/create method:

  • ID – invoice;
  • CVV key;
  • Redirection address.

1.7. On the side of the merchant /partner after receiving a response to create an invoice payment

1.8. On the side of the UAPAY after receiving the request, to check the status of the payment

Processes the request and sends in response to the POST api/invoicer/payments/checkStatus:

  • Payment status;
  • Type of check;
  • Redirection address (if required).

1.9. On the side of the merchant /partner after checking the cardholder

Using the data received from UAPAY and customer data, a request is formed to confirm the payment on the invoice, using the POST api/invoicer/payments/confirm method.

1.10. On the side of the UAPAY after receiving the request, to confirm the payment on the invoice

Processes the request and sends in response to the request by POST api/invoicer/payments/confirm:

  • Error;
  • Success.

1.11. On the side of the merchant /partner after receiving the confirmation of payment on the invoice

Using the data received from UAPAY and customer data, a request is formed to check the status of the payment, using the POST api/invoicer/payments/checkStatus method.

1.12. On the side of the UAPAY after receiving the request, to check the status of the payment

        Processes the request and passes in response to the request by POST api/invoicer/payments/checkStatus status:

  • Error (expanded)
  • Success.

2. Refund to the customer in case of need to cancel the payment (customer/client request, inability to fulfill the order, etc.)

2.1. On the side of the merchant /partner

        The request to cancel the invoice payment is sent using the POST api / invoicer / payments / reverse method 

         It is possible to specify a refund amount less than the payment amount.

2.2. On the side of the UAPAY after receiving the request

Processes the request and passes in response to the POST request api / invoicer / payments / reverse data on the status of the cancellation of payment

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UAPAY - національний платіжний сервіс