UAPAY - національний платіжний сервіс
C2A - payments
The C2A (card to account) service allows funds to be debited from the payer's card to the client's transit account (balance). You can check balance here - Balance check (Account list) . After debiting from the card, only the payment amount is credited to the balance, without the payer's commission.
To calculate the amount of the payment commission - Calculation of the commission amount (Сommission calculate) .
Sequence of actions for debiting operation:
C2A Complete - completion of debit initiation or C2A СompleteWithoutAcceptance - completion of initiation of non-acceptance debiting
can also be called at this stage C2A Cancel - cancellation of debiting initiation
also if within 1 hour not one of the methods is called by the client, it will be called automatically C2A Cancel - cancellation of debiting initiation
To obtain the status of the operation is used Receiving payment data P2P (Show Payment) (or wait Callback (en) with a change of status) until we get data.status NEEDS_CONFIRMATION, FINISHED or REJECTED
NEEDS_CONFIRMATION - depending on the type of confirmation (field in the response data.confirmation.type) 3DS or LOOKUP, we do this action Confirmation of payment 3DS or Confirmation of payment LOOKUP (Confirm payment) , after that, repeat the action with the status request
FINISHED - debit operation is successful
REJECTED - debit operation failed
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UAPAY - національний платіжний сервіс